Crispy, Yummy, Ww-Friendly Baked Cheese Fries!

Inspired by a Women's Health FB post, I made this up tonight. SO good! It's 5 WW PPV/serving. The cheese sauce is a very generous portion and only adds 1 PPV to the potatoes. Enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Preheat oven to 450.
  2. In large bowl, cover potatoes with cold water and swish around to release the starch. Drain well. Toss potatoes with EVOO, garlic powder, chili powder, S&P (be generous with the P).
  3. Spread fries in single layer on large baking sheet and bake 30-40 minutes, until done and golden-brown, flipping fries half-way through.
  4. Meanwhile, while fries are baking, whisk flour and 2 T skim milk together and set aside. Heat ½ c skim milk in small saucepan till warm. Whisk in the flour/milk slurry until smooth and thick. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly for 1 minute. Add cheese, stirring till cheese melts. Season with S&P (and maybe a pinch of cayenne if you like heat) to taste. Serve with fries. YUM!
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