Crispy Guilt Free Pizza

My hubby was inspired this past Friday to make a healthier verison of pizza in snack form. It turned out pretty well actually, I was pleasantly surprised! If you're looking to satisfy your pizza craving while on a diet this should be a nice treat. We happen to use Whole Wheat Tortilla Wraps, so it's rather large. Show more

Ready In: 13 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Topping measurements are estimates, use as little or as much of the toppings you want. And if you prefer fresh mushrooms, or pineapple, etc use that instead. You can also use Soy Cheese too. Taste fine either way.
  2. Spread your sauce over the tortilla. Next sprinkle on the cheese. Add your toppings and bake in the oven at 350 degrees on a cookie sheet that was sprayed with a non-stick spray and let it bake for about 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted. Enjoy!

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