Creamy Vegetable Pasta

This is a recipe from the Kraft website that is very tasty! I have changed the recipe a bit though - using whole wheat pasta, adding crab meat, adding garlic, etc. The first time I made this, the whole wheat pasta seemed to soak up the sauce and we really like saucy pasta. So in my version I have also doubled the milk and cream cheese, so if you like less sauce you can cut both of those in half. This is also pretty low fat/low calorie and full of veggies so it's very filling! Enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Cook and stir vegetables and minced garlic in hot oil in a large skillet on medium heat until tender-crisp.
  2. Add cream cheese, milk, parmesan cheese, and seasoning. Mix well.
  3. Add crab, mix well.
  4. Reduce to low heat; cook until cream cheese is melted, stirring frequently.
  5. Place cooked and drained pasta in a large bowl. Add sauce, toss to coat. (I usually just toss the pasta into the sauce pan and toss to coat).
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