Cream Scones

We love to entertain friends for breakfast on lazy Saturday mornings. When I phone my friends to see if they are awake enought yet to get together for a cup of Joe they usually groan and say only if I make a batch or two of these babies. You can add fresh raspberries instead of the raisins to make them even better. Serve with clotted cream and homemade jam. Phone a friend, brew the coffee and enjoy. Show more

Ready In: 17 mins

Yields: 12 scones




  1. Pre heat oven to 425.
  2. Mix dry ingredients.
  3. Cut in butter until the size of small peas.
  4. Make a well in center of mixture and add cream and raisins.
  5. Stir with a fork till soft dough forms.
  6. Knead ball of dough 10 times.
  7. Flour counter and pat dough into a square about 1 inch thick.
  8. Cut into 12 pieces.
  9. Bake until just lightly browning around edges. Around 12 minutes.
  10. When you take these from the oven brush tops with honey.
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