Cranberry Applesauce With Orange and Pears

Slightly tart cranberry applesauce, a favorite of my step-daughter and my 16-month-old grandchild. I use orange juice and pears to sweeten the sauce in lieu of granulated sugar. I finish with a small amount of honey -- so small that the pediatrician cleared this for the grandchild at 6 months. I use a 6-1/2 quart Le Creuset pot, and puree to desired consistency in a Vitamix. For the 6-mo.-old, her mom froze this in ice cube trays; today her dad froze this in 1-quart heavy-duty resealable freezer bags. If you prefer a decidedly sweet sauce, add 1/2 cup brown sugar to the orange juice and heat until sugar has dissolved before adding apple slices, etc., or adjust at the end by adding simple syrup to desired sweetness. This mixture will keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 4 days. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 32

Yields: 4 quarts




  1. Put orange juice, orange rind and lemon juice in stockpot or 6-1/2-quart pot.
  2. Peel, core and slice one apple at a time, adding slices to pot and tossing slices in the liquid (to prevent browning).
  3. Peel, core and slice one pear at a time, adding slices to pot and tossing slices in the liquid.
  4. Add cranberries and honey and mix well. Immerse the cinnamon stick in the middle.
  5. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat and simmer until apples are very soft, about 15-20 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick and discard.
  6. If using a Vitamix, the mixture does not need to cool before pureeing; otherwise, let mixture cool 20 minutes before pureeing in batches to desired consistency.
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