Cornmeal Casserole - Ukrainian Nachynka

I got this recipe from a fellow Ukrainian Dance Mom. It never fails and is so good. Full of calories and flavour, I'm afraid. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 8

Yields: 6 cups




  1. Fry the bacon crisp in an oven proof dutch oven.
  2. Remove bacon and set aside.
  3. In a separate pot, scald the 6 Celsius milk. Add the chicken bouillon mix, keep hot.
  4. Meanwhile, add butter and onion to the dutch oven - saute until onion is tender.
  5. Add cornmeal, mix well.
  6. Carefully add the milk to to cornmeal mixture to avoid lumps.
  7. Cook until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper to taste.
  8. When thick, turn off heat.
  9. Add bacon to the cornmeal mixture.
  10. Whip 6 eggs to a nice froth, add the sugar.
  11. Fold into cornmeal mixture. When it is uniformly mixed, do the same with the cream.
  12. Butter large casserole, pour mixture inches.
  13. Bake 30 - 45 minutes in a 350°F oven depending on if you prefer it like breakfast cereal or more like cake.
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