Cincinnati Opera Cream Candies

This is a very popular candy in Cincinnati, especially at holidays. Some say the name came from the notion that the candy is sweet and very rich and so are a lot of operas. However, a more likely explanation is that for many years, the Cincinnati Opera treated patrons to opera cream candy before performances. Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Yields: 10 DOZ




  1. Blend cream cheese, butter and vanilla. Add sugar, one pound at a time. Mix with spoon until it's the consistency that you can roll into a ball. If still oily, you may want to add more sugar.
  2. Put balls on wax paper; spoon melted chocolate over it, or you can set the balls in small paper candy wrappers and spoon chocolate over them. Refrigerate.
  3. Balls can be rolled one day, refrigerated, and then spoon chocolate over them the next day.

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