Chuhai Cocktail - Japanese Sweet and Sour Shochu Cocktail

Shochu (Japanese spelling), Awamori (Okinawan) or Soju (Korean spelling) is distilled alcoholic beverage very popular in Japan, Okinawa, and Korea. It is not sake (rice wine) and recommend sake, vodka or whiskey _not be_ used because shochu tastes totally different from those. In Japan Chu Hai can be purchased in cans and though not very good, they are hugely popular there among younger generation. Most younger people in Japan prefer wine or chuhai and not sake. This one is very basic Chu Hai. Show more

Ready In: 2 mins

Serves: 1


  • 14 cup  shochu
  • 2 12-3  tablespoons  prepared sweet-and-sour mix
  • 12 cup  club soda
  • 12-1  teaspoon sugar
  • 1  small lime wedge


  1. Fill a large glass 1/3 to 1/2 with ice and pour in shochu, sweet and sour mix, sugar and top off with club soda. Place a lime wedge on the rim.

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