Christmas Jam Cake

Make ahead and enjoy for Christmas! A yummy cake that is similar in texture to fruit cake - without the heavy spices and candied fruits. Happy Holidays! Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 35 mins

Serves: 12




  1. Cake:
  2. Cream sugar, shortening and soda well.
  3. Add eggs, one at a time and mix well.
  4. Add sifted flour and mix well. Add nuts, fruit and jam.
  5. Bake in 3 layer cake pans or a bundt pan. Bake 1 hour and 20 minutes at 325' or until done.
  6. Wrap in aluminum foil and put in freezer until Christmas.
  7. Icing:
  8. Put in double boiler and cook until thick. Ice cake.
  9. Chill in the fridge until the icing hardens.
  10. Wrap in aluminum foil and put away until ready to serve (up to 1 month refridgerated).
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