Chris' Chocolate Chip Coffee Bars

I got this recipe from a friend in the early 70's, and have been making them for years... I don't like coffee, but I sure love these delicious bars! This is one of those recipes that everyone LOVES... A cross between a Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Congo Bar with a slight coffee flavor, and not cakey at all... VERY GOOD! Serving size depends how big or small you cut them. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 20-24




  1. Beat eggs.
  2. Add coffee (not boiling).
  3. Add brown sugar; mix well.
  4. Add sifted flour and other dry ingredients.
  5. Add oil and vanilla; blend well.
  6. Pour onto a large ungreased cookie sheet.
  7. Sprinkle chocolate chips and walnuts on top of batter.
  8. Bake at 350°F, for 25-30 minutes.
  9. Cool and cut into squares.
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