Chocolate Mousse

This is heaven in a pot. The perfect end to a romantic meal or when you just feel like a treat. Don't forget to leave enough time to chill this in the fridge. Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a saucepan with the butter, coffee and hot water.
  2. Heat on the lowest setting and let the chocolate and butter melt.
  3. Only stir once or twice, any more and the chocolate may become gritty.
  4. While the chocolate is melting, beat the whites to a thick froth.
  5. When it's done melting, stir once and take off the heat.
  6. Leave to cool for a few minutes until the mixture is warm but not hot.
  7. Mix the egg yolks with a fork, then fold into the chocolate, butter and coffee mixture.
  8. Stir three or four times to amalgamate.
  9. With a metal spoon, slowly fold in the beaten egg whites, taking care not to knock out the air.
  10. Pour the mixture into small serving dishes, cover with saran wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours until thick and glossy.
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