Chocolate Christmas Mice (Or Anytime Mice)

My mom taught my little brother and me how to make these little mice. They are so fun! I'm guessing about the quantities and yield. Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Yields: 2 pounds of mice


  • 1  lb cherries, with stems
  • 1  lb  Hershey chocolate kiss
  •  semi-sweet chocolate chips, for melting
  •  sliced almonds
  •  icing (optional) or   red-hot candies (optional)


  1. Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler and dip a cherriy into the chocolate, holding by the stem ("tail").
  2. Set cherry on its side on waxed paper. This is the mouse's body and tail.
  3. While chocolate it still gooey, "glue" on a hershey's kiss to the mouse's body, with the bottom of the kiss touching the cherry and the pointy part pointing out, the opposite direction that the tail is pointing.
  4. Add sliced almonds in the seam for ears.
  5. Decorate with icing or red hots for eyes and nose.
  6. Repeat with the rest of the cherries, etc.
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