Chili Crabs

It taste good and I read this in magazine and I put some ingredients.

Ready In: 24 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Place the crabs,cooking oil,garlic,ginger in a Microwave safe casserole and cook on high for 5-6 miumntes or until aromatic.
  2. Add the chili,garlic sauce,tomato sauce,red chilli,pepper,sugar, and salt and cook on power high for 45 second.
  3. Stir in the crabs,cover and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Stir at half cooking time.
  5. Stir the water and cornflour,cover on power high for 3 minutes or until the sauce thickened and crabs are cooked.
  6. Serve hot plain rice or bread.
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