Chickpea Balls in Coconut-Curry Sauce

I found this unusual recipe online & posted it here for safe keeping.

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Melt the butter over medium low in a skillet. Saute onion and garlic until golden.
  2. Mash chickpeas in a large bowl then mix with 3/4 cup breadcrumbs. Stir in the parsley along with salt and pepper.
  3. Add chickpea mixture to skillet and mix well with onion, garlic, and butter. Remove skillet from heat and let cool 5 minutes.
  4. Mold the chickpea mixture into small balls, about 1.5 inches in diameter. (There should be enough mixture to form around sixteen balls of this size).
  5. Crack egg into small bowl and beat well. Then coat the balls in beaten egg and remaining breadcrumbs.
  6. Add vegetable oil to skillet and heat to medium-low. Pan fry chickpea balls until golden brown; remove.
  7. Pour the coconut milk into the skillet. Once it is simmering add 1 tbsp of curry powder, stir until dissolved. (If you want the dish to be spicier, add more curry until you're satisfied.).
  8. Serve 3-5 chickpea balls on a bed of rice or couscous and cover with the curry sauce.
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