Chickpea and Chorizo Salad

This is a classic Mediteranean style salad. You need to plan ahead to allow time to soak the chickpeas overnight, cook them, and finally marinate them for this salad. Show more

Ready In: 25 hrs

Serves: 6




  1. Soak and cook the chickpeas according to package directions; you'll need 3 cups of cooked chickpeas.
  2. Alternatively, you can use canned, but these will contain additional salt.
  3. Once the chickpeas are cooked and drained well, toss them with the salt, oil, and lemon juice; cover and let marinate at least 2 hours up to 24 (refrigerate).
  4. Just before serving, mix in the remaining ingredients; add additional salt, if necessary.
  5. Serve cold or room temperature.
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