Chicken Tikka Masala

A simpler, yet oh so delicious version of tikka masala. This recipe does not require marinating the chicken, which make it quicker to prepare. It also uses all dry, ground ingredients so that no blooming or grinding is needed beforehand. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 6




  1. First prepare all chicken and vegetables.
  2. Chicken can be cut into 1" cubes.
  3. Pre-cook chicken in a pan. Saute on a low to medium heat, trying not to brown chicken. Poaching chicken also works well and can give the chicken a softer and more moist texture.
  4. Sweat onions in clarified butter over medium heat. When nearing translucency, add garlic and ginger. Sweat until soft, try not to brown.
  5. Slowly pour in tomato sauce. Begin adding spices (cumin through cinnamon).
  6. Blend spices into tomato sauce completely, slowing stirring.
  7. Add half and half, bringing the sauce to a light simmer. Combine well.
  8. I suggest tasting the sauce and adding salt to taste if necessary.
  9. Add chicken to sauce and simmer on low for 10-15 minutes.
  10. You can also add par-cooked potatoes, carrots, cauliflower or chickpeas to dish if desired.
  11. Serve over warm rice.
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