Chicken in Green Curry

This recipe was passed on to me by a friend. I made a few changes and love it for its delicate flavour. In case you are rushed for time, you can add the chicken directly to oil. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 2-3




  1. Mix chicken with salt and pepper and keep aside.
  2. After about 15mins, take olive oil and add chicken to it, stir fry on high heat. When it changes colour and the water starts to dry, add zucchini and stir fry some more.
  3. Add half the quantity of coconut milk, lemon rind and let simmer for 15mins.
  4. Now add the remaining coconut milk, green chillies, lemon juice, coriander paste and cook for 5 more minutes.
  5. Finally add soy sauce and serve with steamed rice.
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