Chicken, Grape and Almond Salad

This is another wonderful creation my Mother came up with, an I love the mixed flavors..

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. fry your cubed chicken set aside.
  2. lightly spray cooking oil in a small pan and toast your almonds, add to chicken.
  3. slice your grape long ways and set aside (do not add to warm chicken or they get mooshy).
  4. mix together 1 cup of Mayonaise and 1/4 cup soy sauce add to the chicken and almonds and mix.
  5. on a few leaves of romain lettuce poor chicken mixture on top and add grapes to your liking.
  6. you can serve this chilled or hot.
  7. slice cantalope and place on side of plate.
  8. and enjoy.
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