Chicken Breasts With Sour Cream

Serve this with boiled small potatoes. Pol Martin Cookbook.

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 4




  1. mix spices and herbs together. dust chicken breats in spice mixture and dredge with flour.
  2. heat butter in saute pan over med heat. add chicken and cook 3 minutes. season with salt and turn pieces over and cook another 3 minutes.
  3. add green onions to pan and cook 1 minute. pour in chicken broth and cook 6 minutes over low heat. do not cover.
  4. remove chicken breasts and set aside on hot serving platter.
  5. place saute pan over high heat and cook sauce for 3 minutes.
  6. dissolve cornstrach in 3 tablespoons cold water, stir into sauce. conitnue cooking 1 minute. remove pan from heat and let stand 2 minutes.
  7. stir in sour cream, mix.
  8. server sauce over chicken and potaotes.
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