Chicken and Potato Casserole

This is one of my mom’s dishes that I have always just loved. She used to do it in an old cast iron pot, which it seems added an authentic air, if not flavor, to the meal. You may also substitute the chicken for pork and the feta for any other cheese that you fancy but preferably with a strong flavor or aroma. Show more

Ready In: 2 hrs 10 mins

Serves: 3




  1. Cut the chicken into small peaces.
  2. Sprinkle with a little bit of salt (don't get carried away - you'll add more salt to the whole pot later), black pepper and cumin to taste and leave to sit while you prepare the potatoes.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium or small chunks.
  4. Put the vegetable oil in a glass casserole or even better in a thick-walled cast-iron pot (both with a lid) and add the chicken and potatoes.
  5. Crush the feta and the stock cubes in the pot and mix all the ingredients well;.
  6. Before mixing you may add some more black pepper if you wish but no salt; you'll find that the cheese and the stock cubes are salty enough and salt will only be needed if you are substituting the stock.
  7. Add enough water to cover the potatoes almost but not entirely; take care that there is no cheese over the water, because it will burn.
  8. Put the pot in a cold oven and heat to 150°C (300°F) for 10 min; NB Glass will crack in a preheated oven.
  9. Then turn the oven up to 250°C (480°F) and leave for 1 h 10 min or until the water evaporates in half.
  10. Take the pot out of the oven and leave to cool a bit; don't serve immediately because the dish will be incredibly hot; you may also leave it in the oven for some time after it has been turned off.
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