Chicken and Cream Cheese Bites

These are great appetizers for any gathering. You can add jalapenos if you like it spicy but I prefer without. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 8




  1. Slice chicken as though you were going to make chicken strips and flatten between saran wrap. Half each strip of bacon. In a small bowl mix the brown sugar and chili powder.
  2. Spread cream cheese on each piece and lay on a piece of bacon and roll up. Secure with toothpick. (This is when you could have added the jalepeno.) Roll each piece in the sugar/chili mixture and place on lined baking sheet. Sprinkle the extra sugar/chili mixture on top.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes Then put under broiler for about 5 more minutes.
  4. Enjoy.
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