Cheese and Sun-Dried Tomato on Cocktail Rye Bread

I had a few slices of cocktail rye bread left over so I threw this together. Make it as hot or as mild as you like. I forgot to take a picture of the one I made it looked so good I ate it! I made these again this time taking a picture however I used "Rug Roggebrood" snack squares (see photo) this is a very heavy almost black dense bread - the squares however want to fall apart and the flavor of the bread is too heavy it takes over the cheese and sun dried tomatoes flavor. I recommend that you stick to the light pumpernickel or even flattened 9 grain bread. I made these single layer and that works as well. Show more

Ready In: 27 mins

Yields: 24-36 Appetizers




  1. Butter the outside of 12 rye bread pieces and lay them buttered side down on a cookie sheet (I line the cookie sheet with"Release" foil).
  2. Butter the top side of each piece of bread and sprinkle the cheese on the bread (use only half the cheese).
  3. Put 1/2 tsp of chopped sun dried tomato on the cheese Butter both sides of the remaining 12 slices and place on top of the tomato layer, sprinkle with remaining cheese, sprinkle with chili pepper flakes Press down a bit Broil until the cheese has melted and is all bubbly.
  4. The bottoms should be golden I like to cut them into 3 pieces but you can leave them large or cut into 2 pieces.
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