Charlie's Sweet 'n Spicy BBQ Sauce

This started with a recipe off the back of a jar of Grandma's Molasses, but that one needed some work. I'm still toying with some of the changes, so any suggestions are welcome. Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 5-10

Yields: 2 1/2 cups




  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a wire whisk.
  2. Marinate meat in the BBQ sauce for several hours in refrigerator.
  3. Grill as desired, using brush to add more sauce, as the sauce on the meat caramelizes.
  4. ***Do not store BBQ sauce in a stainless steel container. The acid in tomato sauce corrodes stainless steel, causing damage to metal finish and leaching metallic compounds into the food. I suggest a glass jar, but plastic will do.
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