Cathedral Window Cookies

Received this recipe from my mom a long time ago. She knows my passion for chocolate. It's chocolate, nuts and coconut at its best. Show more

Ready In: 5 mins

Yields: 3 dozen




  1. Melt margarine and chocolate chips, combining well; cool slightly. Add nuts and marshmallows; mix well.
  2. On a piece of waxed paper, place some of the coconut.
  3. Shape 1/3 of chocolate mixture into log about 2-inches in diameter; roll in coconut to coat.
  4. Wrap in waxed paper.
  5. Repeat with remaining 2/3s for a total of 3 logs.
  6. Chill overnight or place in ziploc bag and freeze.
  7. When ready to use, slice about 1/2-inch thick.
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