Caramel Fudge Cutouts

This is the old fashioned kind of fudge.The kind you beat.But it is worth it!

Ready In: 1 hr 5 mins

Yields: 3 dozen squares




  1. Line 9 inch pan with aluminum foil,extend foil over edges of pan,butter foil.
  2. Butter inside of heavy 3 quart saucpan.
  3. combine sugar and cocoa in pan,stir well.
  4. Stir in milk and corn syrup.
  5. Bring to boil over medium-low heat,stirring constantly until sugar dissolves (6-8 minutes) Add 1/4 cup butter.
  6. Cover and boil 3 minutes over medium heat.
  7. Uncover and cook,withput stirring,until candy thermmometer regesters 238 degrees (about 14 minutes) Add remaining 2 T.
  8. butter,caramels,nuts and vanilla.
  9. Do not stir.
  10. Let mixture cool to 130 degrees (about 25 minutes) Beat fudge by hand with wooden sppon until it thickens and begins to lose it's gloss (10 minutes) Quickly spread fudge in pam,let cool (about 3 hours) Lift out of pan with foil,peel foil and put fudge on cutting bard.
  11. Cut into desired shapes,usong 2 inch cookie cutter or cut fudge into 1 1/2 inch squares.
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