Candy Easter Egg Recipe

Easter Eggs made out of sugar icing, moulded onto two seperate wooden shaped moulds, then left over-night to dry which sets very hard. The two hollow moulds are then joined together with royal icing and decorated as desired. My Mum used to make these delicious Easter Eggs when I was a little girl for the whole family. They became so popular with the neighbourhood kids as well that she ended up having to make heaps more year after year. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 15-20




  1. Soak the Gum Tragacanth in only 1/4 cup of the water overnight.
  2. Sift the icing sugar into a large bowl and set aside until required.
  3. Put the 8 oz of sugar and 4 oz of glucose syrup and 1/4 cup of water in a saucepan, boil to 270 degrees Farenheight, stirring all the time.
  4. Remove from stove and cool a little. Approx 1-2 mins or mixture will start to set.
  5. Soak the gelatine in the remaining 1 cup of water and add to cooled mixture. If glucose mix is starting to set, reheat again until melted and mix through together.
  6. Beat the two egg whites until stiff and set aside.
  7. Add cooled glucose liquid to 4 kg of sifted icing sugar and stir well. Mixture will appear rather dry, don't be concerned as extra water can be added later.
  8. Strain the Gum Tragacanth and add to icing mixture.
  9. Add the beaten egg whites and the mix through.
  10. Add extra water a little at a time as too much will make the mixture soggy. Once mixture starts to bind together, take out of bowl and knead until it resembles a pliable icing.
  11. If the mixture appears too runny, add some of the remaining 1kg of icing sugar, a little at a time.
  12. Once kneaded, roll out for use on the moulds or keep covered in an airtight container until ready to use.
  13. If desired you can divide into portions and edible food colouring can be added a few drops at a time and kneaded into the icing to make different coloured Easter Eggs.
  14. When eggs have been moulded and set aside to dry over-night, join the two halves together with royal icing and decorate as desired.
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