Caesar Salad Dressing

My Mom got this recipe from a chef around 20 years ago, and we have been making it since. It's divine! Not a creamy dressing, rather more of a vinaigrette Caesar. * Edited per Boomette's review to reduce the garlic - I forget that DH and I are garlic fiends and use copious amounts of garlic. Thanks for the feedback, Boomette! Original amount was 8 cloves, reduced to four. Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 16




  1. Use a 2-3 cup jar, such as one from Classico pasta sauce.
  2. Crush garlic cloves.
  3. Add garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, parmesan cheese, worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper. Shake.
  4. Adjust worcestershire sauce sauce, salt, and pepper. (We tend to use a bit more Worcestershire sauce than listed in the recipe.).
  5. Store in fridge, shake before using.
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