Butterhorn Rolls

Marie Ugland recipe...gave to Grandma Rose.

Ready In: 1 hr 10 mins

Serves: 12

Yields: 24 rolls




  1. Stir first 3 ingredients to dissolve.
  2. Warm milk and dissolve butter in milk.
  3. spoon stir all ingredients except flour.
  4. add 1/2 flour and spoon stir.
  5. add remaining flour and turn on lightly floured board.
  6. Knead until smoothe and elastic (about 5 min).
  7. Round up in greased bowl -- greased side up.
  8. Cover with damp cloth.
  9. Let rise in warm place until double.
  10. Punch down and let rise again til double.
  11. Divide dough into 1/3s.
  12. roll out dough and cut about 8 rolls in triangle shapes.
  13. roll up and let rise (15-20 min).
  14. Bake at 400 for 10-12 minute.
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