Brussel Sprouts the Easy Way

We use this recipe for a quick addition of a veggie to many of our meals. The steaming takes away some of the time needed to brown up the brussel sprouts to a nice, caramel color for a wonderful taste! Show more

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 6

Yields: 1/2 cup




  1. Prepare sprouts by slicing bottom of the stem area off slightly, and peeling outer layers off. Half or Quarter them, depending on size, then wash them off.
  2. Put sprouts into a sauce pan with a little water and cover, and steam them until ALMOST fork tender, approximately 6-7 minutes. They will continue cooking in later steps.
  3. You could also steam them in a steamer for 2-3 minutes, again until almost fork tender.
  4. Drain sprouts from the water, and put olive oil and crushed garlic cloves into pan with medium-high heat. Cook until garlic flavors the oil, but does not burn, approximately 5 minutes.
  5. Remove the garlic and discard (so it won't burn and add a bitter taste to the dish).
  6. Add the brussel sprouts to the garlic oil in the pan and cook until edges get very brown. They will almost look burned, but this is the color you want.
  7. At the end of cooking add slivered almonds and salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Serve warm.
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