Broken Sword Chili

I couldn't find anything I liked for a chili recipe so I just made my own. I've searched through several pages and I apologize if this is similar to anyone else's. Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Cook ground beef and drain fat.
  2. Dump into large pot.
  3. Dice onion and mix into pot along with all other ingredients.
  4. Let simmer on medium temperature or lower, cover pot and stir occasionally (On medium the meal is done by 30 mins but you can always let simmer for longer, I usually let it sit for an hour).
  5. Additional options:
  6. ~This makes a thick chili so if you're looking to make it thinner I suggest adding another can of tomato soup.
  7. ~You can mix some grated cheese into the chili directly a few minutes before serving or you can wait and sprinkle some on top; this is an excellent idea if you're reheating it as a side dish with some fries.
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