Breakfast Sandwich

I made it up, but it was really easy because there are so many recipes like it. I like the recipe because you can do almost whatever you want to it. It tastes awesome however you make it. Show more

Ready In: 7 mins

Serves: 1

Yields: 1 sandwich




  1. heat butter in frying pan until it melts.
  2. Fry sausage, or whatever you chose.
  3. toast bagel until brown or however you desire it.
  4. Spread your butter, mayo, etc.
  5. onto the bagel.
  6. when pan is hot, crack egg into the pan, and scramble it well.
  7. next, add the cheese to the egg and leave it there till it melts.
  8. put the egg onto your bagel and then add the sausage or bacon etc.
  9. Enjoy your sandwich.
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