Breakfast Fruit and Nuts Salad

This is a version of Edward Espe Brown's breakfast fruit salad, described in "Zen: the Art of Modern Eastern Cooking". It's fresh, delicious and very filling. I use to have it for lunch because it has proteins, carbs and vitamins, and gives an instant boost to my body (and my mind!). The quantities can be doubled or tripled. As described, it serves 1. This fruit salad should be eaten just after made. Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 1




  1. Peel and slice banana, and peel and cut oranges in little bits.
  2. Cut walnut halves in bits (maybe 4 parts of each half walnut).
  3. Mix in a bowl.
  4. Sprinkle with coconut.
  5. Eat quickly.
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