
This is a basic Irish potato pancake, smoother than "latkes", which are also yummy...but that's another recipe! Great for using leftover 'mash from the night before. You can fill Boxty with just about any vegetable or meat filling -- great with crumbled sausage and scrambled egg for a very filling breakfast, or corned beef and stir-fried cabbage for a dinner "sandwich". Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Place potatoes in a batter bowl. Add 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup milk or buttermilk and salt and pepper if you are using. Mix together to make a pouring consistency, like a sweet buttermilk-type pancake batter. You can adjust the milk and flour to make the pancake thicker or thinner to your preference. Melt the butter in a 8" frying pan (an omelet pan works nicely) over medium heat. Pour enough mixture just to cover the bottom of the pan. Cook for approximately 5 minutes, flip and cook for an additional 5 minutes for thinner pancakes. If you like a thicker pancake, cooking may take a minute or two longer per side. Remove from pan and place fillings in the center, roll up and keep heated while preparing the rest.
  2. This is a pretty traditional boxty, but you could add onion powder, garlic powder, or chopped chives to the batter.
  3. Makes 4 to 6 boxty, depending on how you make the batter.

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