Boston Bun & Pink Icing

When I was a little girl this was my favorite but it was many years later that I discovered that it was made with potato. But don't be put off it really is yummy. I haven't actually made this recipe but will do now that I have found it again. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 16

Yields: 2 Buns




  1. Beat together potato & sugar.
  2. Add mixed fruit, milk & flour and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour into 2 buttered 20cm (8in) round sandwich tins and bake in oven at 180 C (350 F)for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool.
  5. Ice with pink glace icing,sprinkle with coconut and serve buttered.
  6. Pink Glace Icing:
  7. Place the sugar in a bowl and stirring constantly, add enough liquid to make a creamy consistency.
  8. Add a drop of coloring at a time until the desired color is achieved.
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