Bola De Carne - Portuguese Meat Pie

This recipe comes from the book of Traditional Portugese Cooking, which I bought in Lisbon. I have not tried this recipe but am posting it by request. Sorry for the vagueness of the recipe but it's all the information I have! Cooking and serving times are an estimation. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 6


  • 2  cups milk, room temperature
  • 1  tablespoon  baker  yeast
  • 500  g flour
  • 2  teaspoons salt
  • 125  g margarine, melted
  • 5  eggs
  • 700  g chicken or 700  g pork or 700  g beef, cooked and cut into pieces
  • 100  g sausage, cooked and chopped
  • 100  g smoked ham
  • 1  egg yolk


  1. In a large bowl, dilute the yeast with the milk.
  2. In another bowl, mix the flour, salt and melted margarine.
  3. Now add this to the diluted yeast, slowly so as not to make any lumps.
  4. Knead all together.
  5. Continue kneading as you add the whole eggs, one by one.
  6. Allow the dough to leaven in a warm place for 2 hours.
  7. Divide the dough into three parts.
  8. Roll out each part and cover the bottom of a greased baking tin with one of the parts.
  9. Cover that with half of the meat.
  10. Add another piece of pastry and again cover with meat.
  11. Finish with the last piece of pastry.
  12. Put in the oven for a short while.
  13. The book says it should only go in the oven "to give it some consistence".
  14. Remove and brush the top with the egg-yolk.
  15. Place it again in a medium hot oven to bake.
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