Blueberry Cordial

Simple. Cheap. No artificial anything. And Delicious! A wonderful cheap treat for your family's drink bottles. I created this after being unable to find a kid-friendly blueberry cordial recipe. I used frozen berries but fresh would do, of course! Time shown does not include the overnight steeping time, which is optional but advised to get the max flavour. Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Yields: 1 3/4 litres




  1. In a large saucepan combine everything. Simmer over medium heat and stir with wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar. Mash the berries as they soften, with the spoon, or a potato masher. I tried an immersion blender which worked ok but the masher was the most effective.
  2. Once dissolved, let cool, then steep overnight in the refrigerator. This will get the max flavour from the berries.
  3. Next day, strain into a bottle (clean softdrink is perfect). I used a funnel with a wire mesh strainer over the top, and poured a little at a time. Squeeze the juice from the pulp through the strainer. Set pulp aside - delicious with icecream!
  4. To reconstitute to a delicious drink, try 1 part cordial to 5 or 6 parts water. This will depend on how sweet you like your drinks.
  6. It makes 1.75 litres which will creat about 12 litres of drink.
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