Blueberry Baked French Toast

Low-effort high-impact weekend breakfast using stuff you probably have in the fridge already -- don't worry about exact quantities and substitute any type of fruit, fresh or frozen. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 5




  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Melt butter and swirl to coat the inside of a pie dish.
  3. Slice bread into 1 inch squares. Place 1/2 bread in the bottom of the pie dish and sprinkle berries over the top. Add remaining bread.
  4. Combine remaining ingredients and beat well.
  5. Pour liquid ingredients over bread and berries. Smoosh down with your hands so all the bread pieces get nice and soaked.
  6. Bake around 30 minutes or until all egg mixture firms up.
  7. Serve warm.
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