Blender Beet Borscht

from "let my people eat!"

Ready In: 1 hr 14 mins

Serves: 8

Yields: 8 bowls




  1. pour half of the liquyid from the jar of borscht into a blender with 1/2 of the sour cream,blend on low speed for 10 seconds.
  2. add the cucumber pieces and sliced onion.
  3. pulse 2 times,then blend on high speed for 5 seconds.
  4. empty into a large glass container or pitcher.
  5. pour the remaining liquid from the jar and the beets into the blender with the remaining 1/2 cup sour cream.
  6. blend on low speed for 10 seconds then on high speed for 5 seconds.
  7. empty into the large container.
  8. serve with a healthy dollop of sour cream for garnish.
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