Big Batch Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

These have been my favorite cookie ever since I was a little girl. My Mom passed the recipe on to me. This produces a thin chewy cookie that you just can't resist. It also makes a huge batch, if your gonna bake you might as well really BAKE! Right? These taste the best FRESH, I keep only about 1-2 days worth out and freeze the rest. My husband will eat them frozen right out of the freezer and frequently I will too. The dough freezes well, as do the finished product. You can also keep the dough in the refrigerator if you are planning to finsh in a day or two. You need to use a large sturdy stand mixer or be prepared to roll your sleeves up and use your hands to mix! I do not recomend cutting the recipe in half, it just doesn't turn out the same. (the cooking time is how long it takes me to do the whole batch in one day) Show more

Ready In: 2 hrs 15 mins

Yields: 8-10 dozen




  1. Pre heat oven to 350.
  2. Beat butter, sugars, vanill and eggs until they are very, creamy and fluffy.
  3. Add remaining ingredients slowly, mixing well after each addition.
  4. Bake on ungreased cooky sheets for 8-10 minutes. Depending on how you like them, I take them out before they look done, they will puff in the oven but as they cool they flatten and will be more done. Cool slightly on the pan before moving to a wire rack. (2-3 minutes usually does it, too soon and they fall apart too long they cet stuck to the pan).
  5. Don't put them too close together, as thick as the batter is, they still spread out alot.
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