Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Meatloaf

I love eatin' what the ritzy folks do and I don't think there's anybody ritzier'n (that IS a Redneck word) Dolly Parton, the mother of this meatloaf. She's got sequins, she's got big hair, and big..uh...well, she's just big all over. Keeping with her "big" theme, the recipe for this has got a might big list of ingredients, but it's good. So put on the meatloaf, stick Best Little Whorehouse in Texas in the VCR/DVD, and at intermission (when the timer goes off), fix yourself a "hunk" of meatloaf, some mashed potatoes and peas, a glass of sweet tea and a piece of "light bread", and watch the second half. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 35 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a shallow pan with non-stick tin foil or regular foil greased well.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together beef, crumbs, egg, onion, salt, pepper, and one can of tomato sauce.
  3. (HINT: Keep around a box of food service gloves for nasty jobs like this. If you can't find them, steal a handful from the hospital next time you go or stick your hands down in cheap sandwich-sized zipper bags to keep your hands clean. Just toss out or wash with the dishes.).
  4. Form into a loaf and place in the pan. Mix everything else and pour on top of the meatloaf.
  5. Bake for 1 hr and 15 minute and juices run clear. Baste occasionally. If the meatloaf starts to burn on top, tent with foil.
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