Best Homemade Ice Cream

easy to make, no eggs and love by parents and kids can change the flavour as you like by adding choc chips,mini smarties,mini astros or liquidize fruit (banana, srawberies ext) or by changing the flavour of the the pudding you choose to add. Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. whip fresh cream and sugar together until firm.
  2. mix milk pudding and vanilla together.
  3. add the milk mixture to the cream and whip fo a few seconds till mix and flaffy. (take care not to over whip or the cream will spoil).
  4. roughly chop cooking choc and fold in to the cream.
  5. freeze over night and serve.(if your freezer set high take out a few minute before serving, to soften a little).
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