Beef and Potato Stew

A hearty simple recipe cooked on the stove on those cold winters nights in many UK homes. More often than not this would be made with "old" potatoes peeled and cut into chunks but this time I've give it a little twist by using new potatoes. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 30 mins

Serves: 2-4

Yields: 4 small servings




  1. Gently soften the onions in a large deep pan.
  2. Add the carrots and allow to soften a little.
  3. Add the beef and allow to colour.
  4. Stir in the chopped garlic, pepper and celery salt cooking in for a minute.
  5. Pour in the Worcestershire sauce.
  6. Add the potatoes.
  7. Add the peas.
  8. Add the stock and simmer for a good hour (the longer the better).
  9. To thicken the gravy, mix cornflour with a little cold water and mix into a paste, add this into the gravy.
  10. Often served with extra vegetables and pickled red cabbage or beetroot.
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