Beautiful Seeded Buttermilk Bread.

I make my own buttermilk so have a constant supply & am always looking for interesting ways to use it. Here I have come up with a lovely soft, delicately flavoured bread which is good for eating fresh with jam or with your dinner, as toast or as sandwiches - it is extremely versatile & slices well. The addition of the honey & the seeds makes it just that bit healthier too! Show more

Ready In: 4 hrs 15 mins

Yields: 1 large loaf




  1. Mix the water, sugar & yeast together in a large mixing bowl. Set aside to rest for 5 minutes.
  2. Stir in the buttermilk, melted margarine, warmed honey, the salt & 3 cups of the flour. Mix well with your hands or a large spoon.
  3. Slowly add the rest of the flour until you have a workable dough. Depending on the weather & your altitude, you may need a little extra flour.
  4. Knead the dough for 30 minutes, until it is soft (but still firm), smooth & no longer sticky.
  5. Dust lightly with flour & place inside a large, clean plastic bag. Allow to rise in a warm place until doubled in size.
  6. When doubled, remove from the bag & lightly knead to deflate to dough. Once you've done this, grease a large bread tin - I like to use a spring-form 12" x 4" round cake tin with margarine. Place the dough in the tin & gently push out until it fills the tin evenly.
  7. Cover again with the plastic bag & leave to double in size.
  8. When doubled, brush the exposed dough with the beaten egg yolk & sprinkle your choice of seeds of sea salt over the top.
  9. Place on the middle shelf of a 180c pre-heated oven for 45-50 minutes.
  10. Remove from the oven when cooked and allow to cool completely - takes around 4 hours - before eating / slicing.
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