Bbq Chip Fried Chicken

I got this recipe from Katie Brown's Lifetime TV show called "Next Door with Katie Brown". My husband and I really liked the smokey flavor of the BBQ chips with the chicken. Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Open top of chip bag, secure it and crush chips using palm of hand or wooden mallet.
  2. Place mixture in bowl.
  3. Add chopped thyme, oregano and rosemary to potato chips.
  4. Beat four eggs in a bowl.
  5. Place 1/2 Cup of flour in a tray.
  6. Dip chicken breasts in flour.
  7. Dust with 1/2 Cup flour per breast.
  8. Pat off extra flour with hand.
  9. Dip chicken breasts in egg mixture.
  10. Coat chicken breasts in crushed BBQ chips (coat generously).
  11. Put 1/2 Cup olive oil in skillet (using a cast iron skillet or other skillet that you can put into the oven works best. If you don't have one, improvise) Saute on medium heat for 8 minutes on each side or until golden.
  12. Put skillet in oven and bake at 250° for 8 minutes (4 minutes on each side).
  13. Mix together the mustards.
  14. Remove the chicken from the oven and garnish the tops with extra crushed chips, mustard and fresh thyme.
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