Basic Pancakes

A basic but delicious recipe for pancakes. I made it up myself after experimenting for a few weeks.

Ready In: 40 mins

Yields: 14 pancakes




  1. Get all the ingredients, plus a pan, a tablespoon, a measuring jug, 2 bowls, and a spatula.
  2. Sieve the flour and sugar (use 400ml flour with 15ml of baking powder if you don't have self raising) in one bowl. Brown or white sugar is okay.
  3. Split the eggs into another bowl and whisk them then add the milk and oil.
  4. Pour the flour and sugar into the other bowl and whisk.
  5. Turn the pan to 4/6 and then after it has warmed up, add 2 tablespoons of the mixture.
  6. After some bubbles start to appear and the bottom is golden, flip using a spatula and when that side is golden, put it on a plate, and repeat about 14 times.
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