Banana Nut Butterscotch Drop Cookies

These are yummy and quick to make. I buy bananas while on sale, let them ripen, then freeze them in their own skins. when I am ready to use them I just thaw and pop them right out of their skins Show more

Ready In: 22 mins

Yields: 4 dozen




  1. Mix dry ingredients together set aside.
  2. Cream sugar and butter, add eggs mixing in well, stir in bananas and flavoring, add dry ingredients and oatmeal fold in nuts and chips (The dough may seem a little sticky and you may be tempted to add more flour, but first try baking off a few. Found that adding more flour made them dry after baking, the oatmeal seems to swell some during the baking process).
  3. Drop onto lightly greased baking sheet, bake at 375°F 10-12 minutes.

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