Baked Mackerel on a Vegetable Bed

Mackerel is a Superfood that doesn't cost much and makes for a tasty supper. This can be prepared in advance and cooked as soon as your ready! Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 10 mins

Serves: 1




  1. 1. Layer the Vegetables on a baking tray, season with salt and pepper and
  2. drizzle with olive oil.
  3. 2. Mix together the herbs, olive oil, ginger and garlic and add a pinch of salt.
  4. 3. Make 4 slits into the mackerel on each side and squish the herb mixture into
  5. the gaps as well as the cavity. Place the Mackerel on top of the Vegetables and
  6. cover with foil.
  7. 4. This can now be left to marinate for a while in the Fridge.
  8. 5. When it's supper time bake this slowly in the oven (175degrees) for 1 hour.
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