Baked Chicken Chimichangas With Green Sauce

This sauce can stand up against any Mexican restaurant and is easy to prepare as well. The fresh jalapeno and canned chilies in the sauce give it a good balance of flavor. Save time by purchasing a rotisseri chicken from your grocery store! Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Yields: 8 chimichangas




  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Pour the cream of chicken soup into a blender along with the green chiles, olives, jalapeno, and lime juice.
  3. Puree until smooth, then pour into a saucepan, and warm over medium-low heat while proceeding with the recipe.
  4. In a large bowl, stir together the cream cheese, Monterey Jack cheese, and taco seasoning until well blended.
  5. Fold in the chicken.
  6. Evenly divide mixture among the 8 tortillas. Fold each tortilla into a rectanglular packet around the filling.
  7. Spray the chimichangas with non-stick cooking spray and bake seal side down until the tortillas are lightly browned, about 20 minutes--but watch them as each oven is different.
  8. To serve, place a chimichanga on a plate, and ladle the warm sauce overtop.
  9. Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese and green onions.
  10. Finish with a dollop of sour cream.
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