Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos

This is a wonderful,easy, recipe. It's great as an appetizer for a grill-out.

Ready In: 40 mins

Yields: 24 jalapenos


  • 12  jalapenos
  • 1 (8 ounce) package  of softened cream cheese
  •  to taste-tony chachers  cajun seasoning
  • 24  slices  of raw bacon


  1. 1) cut jalapenos longways and scoop out the insides.
  2. 2) mix cream cheese and cajun seasoning together.
  3. 3) spread a good amount of cream cheese mixture in each of the jalapeno halves.
  4. 4) wrap each half in a strip of bacon. secure with toothpicks on each end.
  5. 5) place on medium heated grill. and cook until bacon is done on each side and jalapeno is tender.
  6. *note: make sure to cook the stuffed side first so the cheese doesn't melt out.
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