Baba-Ganouj ( Baba Ghanoush / Baba Gannoujh )

This is a Middle Eastern dip made of eggplants and tahini. Roasting the eggplants under a broiler or in the oven gives it a nice smokey flavor. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 5 mins

Serves: 8

Yields: 2 cups




  1. Wash the eggplants, and pierce the skin with a fork. Heat in a 400-degree oven for approximately 45 minutes, or until the skin blisters, and the eggplant collapses.
  2. Wait for the eggplant to cool, then separate the pulp from the skin. Squeeze the pulp to remove the juice (which is bitter), and mash to break up any large pieces.
  3. Finely mince the garlic, and cook in a pan with a little oil until lightly browned. Mash the garlic, and stir into the eggplant. Mix in the lemon juice, salt and tahini, adjust amounts to taste. Drizzle with olive oil and minced parsley (optional).
  4. Refrigerate if desired, and serve with flatbread, chips, or by itself.
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